
主要联系人: 罗根会计师事务所西奥多·米. Pettko会计师

施耐德唐斯能源公司 & 资源 industry group provides specialized financial advice 和 services to our clients in the 石油和天然气, 采矿和集料, forest products 和 alternative fuel 和 energy industries throughout the 哥伦布 和 匹兹堡 regions. Our extensive knowledge of industry issues enables us to provide proactive audit, 税务和管理咨询bet9平台游戏.

We began serving energy 和 natural resources clients in 1980 和 have experience working with organizations of all sizes 和 with all types of energy 和 resource producers 和 related service providers within the industry. Today, our practice has more than 20 individuals with experience in this industry. We underst和 the unique challenges this industry faces 和 have experience serving clients in the forest products industry, 采矿业和集料业以及石油和天然气行业. 

我们的客户名单包括40多家客户, 包括家族企业, entities with public/private equity 和 venture capital investors - as well as those that are local, 区域性和全球性. We possess the knowledge 和 capabilities to provide value to any entity within the industry. Our industry group meets regularly to monitor industry trends 和 to discuss their impact on our clients. 然后我们可以提供及时的解决方案和建议. 

能源 & 我们bet9平台游戏的资源界别

Our industry group works with key sectors including forest products, 采矿和集料, 石油和天然气, 马塞勒斯页岩和尤蒂卡页岩. 这些行业有各种独特的机会, such as 税 credit 和 planning opportunities; review of entity structure; review of partnership/operating agreements; depreciation, depletion 和 amortization accounting 和 accounting for asset retirement obligations, 在众多独特和专业的bet9平台游戏中.

能源 & 资源bet9平台游戏


We can assist your company with mergers 和 acquisitions, 设备融资, 生产效率分析, 租赁和. 购买决定的主要资产增加, structuring of transactions to gain the most favorable 税 treatment allowable 和 a review of your internal accounting policies 和 procedures. 了解更多


The Marcellus Shale 和 Utica Shale gas formations in Pennsylvania, 俄亥俄州 和 surrounding states establishes a significant amount of recoverable gas in this region. These shales have dramatically impacted many industries well beyond just the 石油和天然气 industry. 了解更多


We provide specialized services to mining 和 aggregate industries including 租赁和. 购买决定的主要资产增加, structuring of transactions to gain the most favorable 税 treatment allowable 和 a review of your internal accounting policies 和 procedures. 了解更多


We provide specialized services to 石油和天然气 industries including operational matters, 兼并、收购和责任问题. From joint interest billing processing 和 review of operator overhead charges to 税 planning, we provide our clients the solutions needed to be successful. 了解更多

额外的能量 & 资源bet9平台游戏


能源 & 资源协会和附属机构

我们是…的积极成员 俄亥俄州宾夕法尼亚独立油气协会 (OOGA / PIOGA) 美国独立石油协会 (IPAA), 马塞勒斯页岩联盟宾夕法尼亚骨料和混凝土协会 (PACA) 和 regularly participate in industry forums 和 conferences.

能源 & 行业资源


The Schneider Downs 国际 industry group is a dedicated team of experienced professionals specializing in serving international companies. We work with clients on all issues related to exp和ing into international markets 和 underst和ing the various accounting, 税 和 business rules 和 regulations of each jurisdiction.  

For more information on additional industries we serve please visit guiwkg.313661.com/industries 或透过电邮联络我们 (电子邮件保护).  

Restore system on-site 和 avoid six-figure ransom.
Identified a $900,000 税 credit, nearly twice as much as prior years.
2024 能源 和 Natural 资源 Legislative 和 Regulatory Update
Reporting Responsibilities Under Federal Grants for Orphaned Well Plugging 和 Reclamation
An Increase in LNG Exports Could Lead to Higher Seasonal Price Volatility

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