
主要联系人: 帕特里克·B. Armknecht CPA, CITP 

Our digital transformation solutions are applicable to all industries and business process areas, 然而, the areas of finance and accounting are a natural place to begin the digital transformation journey. These areas tend to own and manage much of the critical data used to make business decisions. 

正因为如此, they are often expected to provide senior leadership, 管理, and other decision-makers across business units with real-time, accurate information used to drive those business decisions. 

然而太多的时候, the finance and accounting functions are forced to compete with the demands of other business units also looking to fund and leverage data-driven technologies for their own set of problems. 

结果是, it becomes critical for finance and accounting professionals to become advocates for change, convey the value of finance and accounting digital transformation, and explain how that benefits other business units and process areas.  如果不这样做, they risk falling behind on the digital transformation journey while other business units and even industry competitors get well underway. 

Many data-driven technologies can be 在战略上 implemented to benefit both finance and accounting and other business units and functional areas as part of an organization’s digital transformation initiative. 这里有几个例子:

Digital Transformation benefits both finance and accounting 

  • 利用 数据管理解决方案 to integrate systems and consolidate data removes siloed information, 改善数据流, 提高数据质量, 降低了成本, 促进标准化.  这对每个人都有好处, having the effect of improved cross-business unit communication, 协作, 数据访问, 分享与分析.  
  • 机器人过程自动化(RPA) 跨业务部门也有好处吗.  Through its ability to eliminate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, 减少人为错误, 全天候工作, 区域规划技术, 或“机器人”, can free up personnel across all functional areas to perform value-added tasks that require a human to think creatively, 批判性的, 在战略上, 和协作.  
  • 企业绩效管理(CPM) 全面报告解决方案, 规划, and analytics can take advantage of the improved data 管理 and automated processes by providing any business unit and process area with the data that matters to them. 

These are just a few examples of how once data-driven technologies like those listed above are implemented, finance and accounting professionals and other business units can collaborate to achieve common goals and objectives.  此外, having these technologies supporting optimized business processes allows finance and accounting teams to act as a value-added resource to the business and ensures that these functions are able to properly scale and support the goals and strategy of an organization as they grow. 一些端到端业务流程领域, 和行业, 我们擅长的技术包括:


  • 金融密切
  • 财务报告
  • 财务规划 & 分析
  • 财政部管理
  • 按订单销售
  • 为退休而雇佣
  • 订单兑现
  • 促使付款
  • 交货预测
  • 计划库存
  • 固定资产
  • 工资



  • 报告、规划、 & 分析
  • 自动化和工作流
  • 数据管理 & 集成
  • 人工智能/机器学习
  • 基础设施和云
  • 合规 & 安全 

Is Your Organization Ready for Digital Transformation?

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About Schneider Downs Digital Transformation Solutions

Our solutions identify and implement process and technology enhancements that are scalable and enable improved data reliability, 生产力和及时的报告和分析. Through our cross-functional team of risk and technology professionals, we provide insights and assistance in improving the foundational business processes of an organization, and identify and implement technology to further automate and support critical business processes.

欲了解更多信息,请bet9平台游戏的团队 (电子邮件保护) 或访问我们的数字化转型页面ww.313661.com/digital-transformation.

Restore system on-site and avoid six-figure ransom.
Identified a $900,000 tax credit, nearly twice as much as prior years.


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